Peoria Ronald McDonald House

Location: 401 NE Monroe Street, Peoria IL

December 16th was the Opening Day for guest families! Tours and refreshments were made available throughout the day as families, donors, supporters, and friends all gathered at the Peoria Ronal McDonald House to unveil this three-year-long labor of love in an all-day celebration.

School Lunch Home Deliveries during COVID-19 Shutdown

During the Covid19 school shutdown, Hamida’s Kitchen helped deliver public school lunches to families that were registered for the school lunch program in the Peoria area.

Hamida’s Kitchen is recognized as a public charity and has 501(c)(3) status. Hamida’s Kitchen EIN is 82-5374127

Providing food and student lunch services.

Hamida’s Kitchen collaborates with various non profit and education foundations, including Hamida Education Foundation, to provide food and student lunch services.

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